Chicago Public-Private Task Force (CPPTF) Meeting Notes – October 13, 2022
Titan Security is proud to represent safety operations across a range of locations, sectors, and Clients at the most recent meeting of the Chicago Public-Private Task Force (CPPTF). As a part of larger cross-sector safety efforts across the region, the CPPTF meets monthly to discuss issues relevant to multiple agencies and businesses.
Public Sector Updates
- Chicago Police Department (CPD) 1st District: recent special events include the Abbott 5K, the Chicago Marathon, the Columbus Day Parade; criminal activity up overall year-to-date (YTD) in the district; street closures due to helicopter lift at Willis Tower on morning of 10/16
- Chicago Police Department (CPD) 12th District: criminal activity up YTD in the district, with some beats down YTD; bike team very active, and arrests up; special events are winding down with change of seasons
- Chicago Police Department (CPD) 18th District: criminal activity is up YTD in the district; vehicle thefts remain concern, with valet operations being targeted; joint exercise with CTA held on 10/12
- Chicago Police Department CPIC Fusion Center: monitored successful Marathon event with no major incidents; cyberattack on multiple aviation websites by Russian-affiliated hacker group, including Chicago Department of Aviation site; preparing for election day (11/08) physical and cyber security
- Office of Emergency Management and Communications (OEMC): emergency operations center (EOC) activated for Marathon; continues to lead city efforts on incoming buses of migrants/asylum seekers; planning underway for election day in November and NASCAR race in July
- Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH): Cook County at ‘low’ COVID transmission rate; CDPH monitoring emerging outbreak of ebola in West Africa, screening in place at O’Hare
- Chicago Transit Authority (CTA): nothing significant to report
- Cook County Emergency Management Regional Security (CCDEMRS): nothing significant to report
- Department of Homeland Security (DHS): also provided support for Marathon efforts; multiple virtual training opportunities available, including active shooter and election security
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI): supporting pending special events, including home openers for Blackhawks (10/21) and Bulls (10/22), and election day on 11/08
Other Updates
- New Arrivals to Chicago Update: OEMC is leading the city’s effort to intake and accommodate asylum seekers being bused to Chicago by politicians in Texas. More than 3,000 men, women, and children have arrived thus far, with little or no notice provided to local officials. CPPTF members were alerted to current needs, including temporary housing and winter clothing.
- All-Hazards Safety Conference at Willis Tower: The Chicago Fire Department and Willis Tower hosted a highrise safety seminar on 10/06 and 10/07. Cross-sector speakers, including several CPPTF members, addressed topics ranging from active shooters to fire to mental health.
- Active Shooter Webinar Details: DHS/CISA held another in a series of live, remote active shooter webinar presentations for the Federal Executive Board. Additional sessions are available via request through the DHS Region 5 office.
- Upcoming HEaT Active Shooter Seminar: The Chicago Hotel Entertainment and Tourism (HEaT) group will host an all-day active shooter seminar on 10/17 at the Chicago Hilton.
- Upcoming ChicagoFIRST Tabletop: ChicagoFIRST will hold its annual tabletop exercise on the morning of 10/25. Multiple sectors have been invited to participate in this scenario-based discussion.
- The next meeting of the CPPTF will take place via Microsoft Teams on the morning of 11/10.
About the CPPTF
The Chicago Public-Private Task Force (CPPTF) has combined the planning and preparedness efforts of public, private, and nonprofit institutions for more than a decade. Member organizations volunteer their networks, skillsets, and expertise to address common safety and security issues affecting the broader community. Sectors represented include first responders, hotels and tourism, universities, financial firms, cultural properties, commercial properties, residential properties, retail properties, and hospitals.
About Titan Security Group
Titan launched in 1994 with a vision for a better way to provide security services to the Chicagoland community. Today, Titan is one of the largest security companies in North America, scheduling more than 80,000 hours per week, employing more than 2,250 security staff, and having enjoyed over twenty-seven consecutive years of successfully serving our clients across a wide range of industries. Titan delivers results to clients through flexible, customized security solutions, and superior customer service. The Titan approach combines traditional security staffing with electronic security systems to provide integrated, efficient, and customized security solutions from a single source.